At-Home Learning
PBS North Carolina provide standards-aligned programming and curriculum-based lessons on our broadcast channels and streaming online.
With the support of partners, we deliver powerful resources designed to support effective teaching and meaningful learning for North Carolinians from birth to adult.
Whether you want to participate in a PBS North Carolina workshop, attend a community event, learn about our collaboration with community partners such as colleges/universities, schools, preschools, veterans organization, healthcare providers or learn about our many local and national programs, this is the place for you.
The Impact Early Childhood Education Summit is a gathering of Early Childhood Education professionals, parents, and caregivers aimed at celebrating and supporting those who are helping children, birth through third grade, to grow strong roots for a healthy foundation.
This year's event will be held on Saturday, June 18th, 8 AM - 4:30 PM at the UNC Charlotte Student Union.
Teachers may use this summit for Continuing Education Units.
PBS North Carolina provide standards-aligned programming and curriculum-based lessons on our broadcast channels and streaming online.
Ambassadors serve as community leaders, connecting PBS KIDS and early learning resources to the unique needs of their counties.
With North Carolina science educators specifically in mind, PBS North Carolina is proud to present a robust collection of free Open Educational Resources, aligned directly to North Carolina Essential Standards science objectives for grades 4-8 and appropriate for high school students as well.