Investors Circle
Philanthropic individuals, families, and foundations that give $1,200 or more annually in support of quality PBS and NPR programming on Prairie Public are members of our Investors Circle. Members receive invitations to special events including dinners in Bismarck, Winnipeg, and Fargo, advance information about new programs, and private tours of Prairie Public studios (upon request).
For more information, please contact Troy Davis, Director of Development, at 888-750-3610.
For a complete list of Investors Circle giving levels and benefits, click here.
Make your investment today.
For more information about Investors Circle, contact Troy Davis, Director of Development:
Prairie Public Broadcasting, Inc
207 5th St N
PO Box 3240
Fargo, ND 58108-3240
Tax ID: 45-0276899
Prairie Public Television (Manitoba), Inc
PO Box 2640
Winnipeg, MB R3C 4B3
Charitable #: 119097913 RR0001
I support Prairie Public because...
"As our income has increased, so has our investment in Prairie Public. From local radio news to the great music that’s aired during the day, we’ve found Prairie Public to be a great resource. It’s a discovery that needs to be shared! It’s a critical need for our family, state, and country.
Our family listens to Prairie Public radio from the time we get up in the morning and take our kids to school to when we all come home in the evening. We then have interesting discussions about the content we listened to that day at the dinner table. We know what’s going on in the state and in the world from listening to Prairie Public."
-John and Erika Rodenbiker, Fargo, ND

"Prairie Public is the only station that my radio knows, I think, because it's the only one that I listen to. In my career, I had a job where I traveled across the state of North Dakota.
Those six pre-programs that I could program on my car radio all were for Prairie Public somewhere around the state. As I would get out of range in Bismarck, I could get Jamestown. Then I could get Fargo. And going the other way, I could get Dickinson. I could get Williston. It was really the station of choice."
-Audrey Boe-Olsen, Bismarck, ND

"We are proud to be among the investors in Prairie Public because that's exactly how we view our contributions — an investment in our cultural heritage in the Northern Prairie.
We appreciate the quality of programming offered, including local productions that enrich our lives daily. The impeccable attention to straightforward news programming is so appreciated."
-David Borlaug, Bismarck, ND

While most people think of cash gifts when they consider donations to Prairie Public, there are also a number of alternative ways to contribute including through your retirement assets (IRA, 401K, etc.) or gifts of appreciated securities (stocks and bonds). Please consult your attorney, financial advisor, or tax professional for advice on your situation.