Join IdahoPTV as we delve into the lives of the talented teens and young adults poised to shape our state's future, alongside the forward-thinking companies guiding their journey.
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Corporate Partnership
Corporate partners help to deliver the arts, sciences, humanities, and public affairs programs to a diverse and engaged audience. Your sponsorship demonstrates your company’s commitment to grow communities throughout the state with free over-the-air educational, inspiring programs.
Sponsorship and Production Underwriting
Sponsor messages on Idaho Public Television recognize our business partners for providing financial and in-kind support for the national programs and local productions enjoyed statewide by thousands of loyal IdahoPTV viewers.
Your localized sponsorship messages stand out in an uncluttered environment, with other community-responsible businesses and organizations that IdahoPTV viewers appreciate.
IdahoPTV Underwriting Messages:
- Connect with engaged and motivated audience- Target with programming
- Save Idaho stories for generations - Production Funding
- Enable outreach to enrich communities - Shared experience to help build community
Trustworthy Messages with High Standards
Support for public television is a unique blend of community engagement, corporate philanthropy, branding, PR/marketing and strategic partnership. Sponsorship is not a straight ‘spot’ buy, or typical commercial advertising. Messages on IdahoPTV may be crafted and scheduled to specifically target north Idaho, eastern Idaho or southwestern Idaho audiences, or reach the entire state.
Messaging Guidelines
Sponsor messages align support for performing arts, science, history, education and public affairs programming shared on Idaho Public Television. Sponsorship messages enable companies to visibly invest in a valued community asset and, by extension, their customers, constituents and neighborhoods.
Production Specs
Here are a few sponsor messages that creatively connect with our audiences while complying with PBS, FCC and IdahoPTV rules:
Contact Us
Teri Tate McColly -
Business Development Director
(208) 373-7324
Pilar Howell -
Corporate Sponsorship Specialist
(208) 373-7323
Give With Confidence
Idaho Public Television has earned the highest possible rating, four stars, from Charity Navigator, America's largest independent evaluator of nonprofit organizations, and the highest score for transparency from Guidestar/Candid, a Platinum Seal. These ratings demonstrate fiscal excellence and a commitment to accountability and transparency.