Lawmakers debate allowing certain land to be set aside for the homeless.
Florida abortion rights campaigners collect enough signatures for November ballot measure.
Ideas emerge for development of the historic Hungerford land in Eatonville.
This week we take a deep dive into Florida’s political waters with Steve Mort and Krystel Knowles of NewsNight on Central Florida PBS. We talk contentious counties, redistricting woes, restoring voting rights for felons, and Governor Ron DeSantis’ policies and presidential ambitions. But first, a look at the latest election legislation news nationwide with Voting Rights lab’s Liz Avore.
How does someone with more than five decades of political reporting under her belt assess the current state of the union? For the past year, former PBS NewsHour anchor and current senior correspondent Judy Woodruff has been touring the country for a new project, America at a Crossroads, reporting on the divisions that plague our nation. Kara speaks with Woodruff about the roles that both politicians and the media play in our growing polarization, whether journalists can be “truthful, not neutral” (as CNN’s Christiane Amanpour has said) and what recent media consolidations (and proposed cuts to public broadcasting) mean for our democracy.
Xavier takes his friends to the museum to show them the new Heroes' Day Exhibit. It's filled with statues and photographs of heroes from all time periods who helped people. Yadina wants to add a US President to the exhibit because she wants to be the President someday. She examines all the President statues, but something's wrong. She can't find a girl president!

Over the next three years, WUCF will provide the Central Florida community with free access to trusted, fact-based, in-depth, uninterrupted, and timely information around the 2024 election, civic engagement, and our country’s 250th birthday. This initiative will utilize local content creation, partnerships, communications, and community events to tell Central Florida’s story as it relates to these key national events. Preserving Democracy engages Americans in productive civic discourse, building a civil, informed citizenry which bridges the political divide and strengthens our democracy.