When can I reach someone at PBS North Carolina?
You may email your request for assistance to Audience Services at viewer@pbsnc.org or at 888-292-7070. Our hours of operation are 9-5 Monday-Friday. Please allow 24 hours for a response to your email.
How do I update my account’s biographical information or request to no longer receive emails/mailings?
Please contact Audience Services Staff at 888-292-7070 or by email at viewer@pbsnc.org.
Where can I update my credit card online?
Monthly sustainers can update their credit card here https://www.pbsnc.org/sustainerupdate/ or donors may also contact Audience Services for assistance at 888-292-7070.
How do I request my pledge to be changed?
Please contact Audience Services to assist you with your account. The telephone number is 888-292-7070 or if you wish to send an email, contact viewer@pbsnc.org.
How do I renew my membership or donate to support PBS North Carolina?
For viewers who wish to donate to PBS North Carolina online, please visit www.pbsnc.org/donate . You may also contact Audience Services for immediate assistance at 888-292-7070 from Monday-Friday from 9 AM - 5 PM.
Why am I receiving membership notices when I recently contributed?
It is possible that our member notices and your payments are crossing in the mail. If you believe your account is listed in error, please contact Audience Services at viewer@pbsnc.org.
What is the PBS NC Tax ID Number for my employer to match my donation?
University of North Carolina Center for Public Media (PBS North Carolina)
10 UNC-TV Drive
PO Box 14900
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-4900
Tax ID: 56-6172047
How do I give a Donor Advised Fund or IRA Charitable gift?
Please give to our 501c3:
The North Carolina Public Television Foundation
10 UNC TV Drive
P.O. Box 12231
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2231
Tax ID: 58-1720178
Are there any volunteer opportunities with PBS North Carolina?
There are currently no available Volunteer opportunities at PBS North Carolina. Please follow our website for any updates.
Where is the thank you gift that I ordered when I made my contribution?
“Thank you” gifts selected during a fundraising effort are typically mailed within 4-6 weeks after a contribution has been processed to a donor’s account. We will contact our donors if there is an additional delay in shipping a thank you gift.
As a sustainer, do I receive a thank you gift?
Yes, sustainers are eligible to receive a thank you gift (or gifts) equivalent to your annual giving level. If you have questions regarding the gift selection or to confirm your eligibility, please email sustainer@pbsnc.org.
I have a question regarding my gift after its receipt, can you help me?
Please contact Audience Services to assist you with your gift request. Our telephone number is 888-292-7070 or if you wish to send an email, use viewer@pbsnc.org.
I have a vehicle that I would like to donate, who do I contact?
Please contact our vehicle service at 866-862-8855. A representative will assist you with making all the arrangements for donating the vehicle.
I would like to leave PBS North Carolina in my will, who do I contact?
Please contact the Major and Planned Gifts Officer Taunja Ingram at 919-549-3378 or Warren Bingham at 919-549-3322. For additional assistance online, please visit our Estate Planning website at pbsnclegacy.org.